PR Release Services

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Browse the Best Press Release Distribution Service for Small Businesses. Grow Your Brand Today!
Get featured on major news sites to drive visitors and customers to your website, all for a one-time payment. Publish your story on influential news sites that your competitors can’t reach. You’ll get a massive exposure, interest, and credibility boost with millions of monthly readers. Each publication acts as a landing page to warm buyers to your brand and offer before clicking through to your site. “PR Release Services” can write a press release for your brand and distribute it on hundreds of news sites. Get featured on influential news sites in just 5-10 days!

Pricing & Packages

Press Release Distribution Services

PR Packages from Brandpush

PR Packages from Brandpush

Prices from: $195 | Total News Outlets: 200-450 | Domains Authority: 67-94 | Monthly Visitors: 3.3-228m

Bulk Order & Save: 15% discount for 5 orders, 20% discount for 10 orders, 25% discount for 20 orders, 30% discount for 30 orders.
Publish your story on influential news sites that your competitors can’t reach. With millions of monthly readers, you’ll get a massive exposure, interest, and credibility boost.

PR Packages from 24-7 Press Release

PR Packages from "24-7 Press Release"

Price from: $49 to 449 | Total News Outlets: 100-400

From the “Starter Plan” for businesses of all sizes seeking to create an online presence to the “Mass Media Visibility” premium package offers greater visibility, distributing your news to PR Newswire’s US National online media points to ensure maximum exposure.

PR Packages from EIN Presswire

PR Packages from "EIN Presswire"

Get published on Google News, AP News, Benzinga, over 100+ NBC, FOX, ABC & CBS affiliate sites and more.

From the “Basic Plan” for businesses of all sizes seeking to create an online presence to the “Corporate” package offering $999 for 25 releases. All press release packages include AP News and Nexstar Media Group, accessing their combined 170 million monthly active users in addition to distribution to major news sites, major newswires, targeted journalists and editorial rooms, Bloomberg Terminals, MuckRack, Google News, Google Search, Bing & other major search engines and a social media push.

PR Packages from Press Ranger

PR Packages from "Press Ranger"

A media database that does the work for you.

Press Ranger is a suite of AI-powered PR tools that make finding and pitching journalists quick and easy. Massive database of millions of journalists, publishers, and podcasts ready to search, filter, and contact.

PR Wikipedia Backlinks

Get Backlink From Wikipedia

Prices from: $2300 | Domains Authority: 91 | Monthly Visitors: 4.4 billion

High quality Wikipedia backlink to your websites! Wikipedia is one of the biggest & oldest sites on the web that carries enormous authority. Wikipedia has so much authority it’s hard to find a search result where they don’t rank in the top 10. That’s why getting Wikipedia backlinks is one of the most substantial backlinks.

PR Media WikiliQ

Get Backlink From WikiliQ

Prices from: $1300 | Domains Authority: 56 | Monthly Visitors: 150k

“Encyclopedia of Liquor Brands: Wine, Beer, Spirits & Liqueurs.” WikiliQ is the global guide to alcoholic beverages. It assists your business in promoting drinks to your customers and boosting worldwide sales.

Top PR Platforms for Guest Posting

Promote your brand on leading news and industry platforms to the best target audiences.

Nationwide Network from Major Media

PR Release Services has quickly become a trusted service for professional communicators. When organizations need to get their news in front of the media, stakeholders, and the public, they go online to find it. PR Release Services pricing is incredibly affordable—hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars less than other services. There are many reasons, first and foremost, because PR Release Services owns and maintains its proprietary distribution technologies.

Reach leading news and media outlets like CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC with your press release distribution. We simplify distributing your press release with today’s trusted new organizations for greater visibility, reach, and coverage.

Why Choose PR Release Services

Press release distribution services like PR Release Services have progressed and evolved considerably. This is also true when considering why businesses use a press release service to help with marketing strategies. PR Release Services has been in business for over five years, and its news distribution channels include over 25,000 Associated Press members and PR Newswire members.

Increase Your Visibility to the Media and Online

Your news is also available to major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others. Our online distribution partners help increase your visibility as they publish your story for their viewers to read. In addition, your press release stays on the PR Release Services website indefinitely until you decide to remove it.

Provide Affordable Reach to Your Target

PR Release Services provides you maximum visibility at minimum cost and is one of the most cost-effective tools to enhance your online presence, particularly in comparison to other forms of advertising. Cost vs. visibility is always a consideration for anyone looking to disseminate news to the media, mainly if you are a small business owner or just starting. We don’t claim to have the most extensive distribution; however, our customers’ feedback is that we have ‘the best bang for buck’ in the industry, making us an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses.

Press Release Distribution | Video
Press Release Distribution | Video
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